Hey very useful app, I'll be watching this. I once wanted to set up backend apps during automated CI jobs in order to facilitate e2e tests and ended up making an utility kind of similar - but yours truly goes beyond.
With mock you can set up backend APIs completely from configuration files or even from command-line parameters - such as
$ mock serve --port 3000
--route 'say_hi/{name}'
--method GET
--response 'Hello world! My name is ${name}.'
--route "what_time_is_it"
--method GET
--exec 'printf "Now it is %s" $(date +"%H:%M") > $MOCK_RESPONSE_BODY'
With mock you can set up backend APIs completely from configuration files or even from command-line parameters - such as
$ mock serve --port 3000 --route 'say_hi/{name}' --method GET --response 'Hello world! My name is ${name}.' --route "what_time_is_it" --method GET --exec 'printf "Now it is %s" $(date +"%H:%M") > $MOCK_RESPONSE_BODY'