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Most of web programs are slow because of ad business.

You need to be evaluated. Are you a robot? Which cohort you fit into? Which ads should it fed you?

They capture every bit of information about you, so you could be tracked more, or to sell your data.

Then they display what you want to see.

Corporations focus not on providing info you would like to see. Therefore X/meta/youtube will not have a good subscription UI / behavior.

The corporations focus on suggestion algorithms so they can spoon feed you with data they want to monetize for advertisers.


Big corporate projects are built by thousands projects, and thousands abstractions tied together by a duct tape. Layers upon layers, built by engineers not happy with outcome, but engineers that met deadline.

There are lots of technical reasons why web apps are slow, and this is a technical site so, as a community, the discourse tends to over-index on "react/electron/python/whatever is slow".

But these are the messy human + economic reasons why things are actually slow.

I'd add some nuance to (2), that even small corporate projects are often built by companies that are explicitly incentivized to build as quickly as possible, any other barometer of success goes out the window.

If you use software developed by companies or projects that are outside (1) and (2), you'll find it is actually pretty fast, subjectively.

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