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Wait till activists start setting SDCs on fire before calling it a “real business”.

Exactly. And there’s no dude there to prevent it.

A human driver's not going to stop a gang of hooligans from throwing a Molotov their way.

But they would. For one thing, a human would just drive away. For another, a mob would have no reason to attack a broke-ass taxi driver, while they have every moral justification to attack a $3T gigacorp built on surveillance capitalism.

They don't have any such moral justification, and they do attack broke-ass taxi drivers despite having no justification for that either (just substitute, e.g., "small locally owned shop" for "taxi driver" in the London riots).

Maybe the Tutsis had autonomous vehicles or were tools of surveillance capitalism? You can never be too sure right? After all, their attackers as you make clear must have had "every moral justification" to kill hundreds of thousands of people right ?

Seems pretty weird to compare destruction of insured property to Rwandan genocide, but hey man, you do you

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