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This can all be solved if non profits are forced to transparently show where the money is spent. And before anyone says, they already do, they don’t. With the current rules you’re only required to show the numbers on how much money was “spent” on the cause, but not how. Meaning, for example you could claim 60% of the $100k budget went to providing services to the homeless, but in reality all that money was paid as salary to a person who gave the homeless haircuts, and the value of services received by the homeless could just be worth $2000. Such obfuscation allows charities to waste a lot of money on self enrichment.

All nonprofits should have to pay a tax of like 5% on revenue/funding to pay for a government audit system that checks if they're really doing what they're supposed to be doing. Same for any government program/status/aid. There is currently not that much of a feedback system for the performance of just about any government based enterprise other than "itself", which always leads to failures.

You solve this by dissolving all non-profits and seperating the state and the private sector completely. All tax money must be spent by government organizations or call for bids.

Something like this should be illegal: https://www.vox.com/recode/22321861/jeff-bezos-climate-earth...

First, Bezos steals money from hard-working employees and tax payers. Then he takes billions and funnels them into climate politics that no tax payer asked for.

Why should Bezos spending his own money on climate change be illegal? A non-profit simply is distinguished by the lack of profit. Since the USA only taxes profit for corporations, that means no taxes, but anyone could set one up to varying degrees of success. Employee salaries and any company they invest in that is for profit are still taxed normally.

Because the people pouring billions into policy changes that should be done transparently by tax-payer money also are the same who make the world an objectively worse place by creating a toxic work culture that leads to mental health decline, suffering, etc. and argue that you can't pay a worker more than a given amount and then as a consequence amazon workers can't even afford health care. But for some reason this system where money is "so tight" suddenly leads to billions in profit that can be just thrown away into unrelated activities independent from the company amazon.

This is basically circumventing democracy. Money from publicly traded corporations is drained where it would be needed into activities that manipulate the public and don't have political oversight.

It's especially ironic, as Bezos says "We will emphasize social justice, as climate change disproportionately hurts poor and marginalized communities.”

Well, how about starting with "social justice" in your own company.

> objectively worse place by creating a toxic work culture that leads to mental health decline, suffering, etc.


> and then as a consequence amazon workers can't even afford health care.

Amazon will eventually solve these issues by completely automating their warehouses so that they no longer need to exploit poor workers anymore (who made more at Amazon than the previous job options they had available). Would that make you happy?

Your kind of social justice feels toxic to me, actually. It is basically a "perfect is the enemy of good" argument that prevents us from making much progress on the problem at all. Just because Bezos sinks his own money into causes he is interested in does not suck away the capital that government could be investing in the problems instead.

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