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I'm am confused as to what the tool does. Are there any examples? Ironically I couldn't see any screenshots on the homepage. Something like a before and after would be good.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll make it clearer in the homepage.

I don't have any helpful input other than to say that I know putting something you have worked on out into the public for the first time can be a stressful and frantic feeling. You sound like you are really on top of trying to address everyone's input. You're doing great.

Seconded, I need to see some examples before I'm going to upload any of my own images

... You can just upload a random image off the internet if you're that worried about it.

I'm also at a loss as to what this could do better than a quick shift-cmd-4 drag-rectangle. I crop before taking the shot. This would be like an app for photographers that don't frame their shots.

The most I can imagine is like a web scraper that finds the content and removes the no-scroll/ads junk.

Edit: I might be missing the point. AI will allow people to avoid thinking about how to communicate well and have the machine guess correctly x% of the time. Just a possible trend not specific to the app.

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