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[flagged] Google CEO Sundar Pichai takes a look at a sample Google search [video] (tiktok.com)
28 points by rvnx 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

did the same search on Kagi, my search results include the forums bit (I think I had to turn that on manually) which gives me 3 different forum-like websites (one being reddit). Then there's a Wirecutter article on the best 4 chromebooks of 2024 [1].

This is what I expect when I want to find something quickly and reliably. I don't need AI for this, I just want my search engine to answer my query.

1: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-chromebook/

Yikes. I'm not that familiar with Sundar but is he typically this bad at defending his products? Also this seems like a huge risk to even take this interview, any background on why he's there?

That’s the format of the podcast - interviewing CEOs

If Google just removed all the junk and went back to their old school algos, all of their problems and their users problems would be resolved.

It never ceases to amaze me the lengths some people go to introduce complexity.

If they were truly desperate to use AI, they could just use it behind the scenes to help rank their initial result set.

FYI it is an excerpt from the decoder podcast.

- https://www.theverge.com/24158374/google-ceo-sundar-pichai-a...

- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/decoder-with-nilay-pat...

It is a nice podcast with various CEO interviews.

Here's the clip from the video, but on YouTube https://youtu.be/lqikP9X9-ws?t=1503

Awww, great find! I actually had found the Tiktok link from an HN comment, I think your link is even better.

Am I understanding this correctly? The podcaster is asking why the Google search doesn't give a chatbot answer to "best Chromebook"? Don't get me wrong, I have no shortage of criticisms for Google search. I just don't understand what would be controversial about not providing a chatbot response by default for this question. A hypothetical answer would require comparative and evaluative language, which I can't blame them for the wanting to steer clear.

The podcaster is effectively asking if the AI Overview about Chromebooks coming up first on the screen above the actual answer the user is looking for is the intended direction of Google Search UX with it's new AI "improvements".

Sundar states that the user must opt into an AI Overview, but this isn't true, it basically automatically opens the overview for you.

When pressed about whether this design is a WIP or the intended goal, Sundar refuses to answer directly, for obvious reasons. It's a bad look either way. Either they did intend for this terrible UX or they clearly hurriedly pushed out a poorly designed/placed AI product to their search engine in the most prominent location possible. Which is not really a good thing when Googles most well known product is their search engine.

Either answer basically boils down to prioritizing AI over actual product quality.

I don't think he's coming back next year

I opened this link on my phone. Only like 25% of the video is even visible. The rest is covered by UI elements and text.

It’s so rare to see Sundar Pichai get nervous, Nilay Patel was certainly asking the right questions throughout the interview. I like to still imagine how LLMs can enhance our experience online, the current “AI” products are none of that, unfortunately.

The search was providing the results as you want. Then you trigger the ChatGPT mode. It wasn't there and you intentionally wanted the ChatGPT experience by pushing another button. How hard is it to understand that for smart HN crowds?

Definition of corp. speak. Just own that it is a less than stellar result and move on.

None of this is an improvement for users over the previous experience.

The guy is an arrogant, out of touch douchebag.


All characteristic that can make a great CEO...as long as he is competent...

Motherfucker hasn't done a search in a while. Yeah, Google is a load of garbage; like the first comment on TikTok says, you need to add "reddit" for the search results to matter.

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