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It's a meme because it's unusual, eating glue is a shorthand for having low intelligence because most humans don't eat glue. Beyond that, most humans understand that given the way glue works and given the way cheese works the premise of using glue to make cheese stick to a pizza doesn't even make sense, thus the statement is immediately understood as a pun, not a credible attempt at a recipe.

If humans were no better than LLMs in the way that this input were processed, there would be no meme, nor would there be a thread about how ridiculous Google's LLM is. Humans would simply accept as fact that glue can be added to pizza to make the cheese stickier, because the words make syntactic sense. Yet here we are.

I expect that humans would accept that glue is acceptable to add to pizza if we were not taught otherwise. Look at smoking, arguably worse then eating some types of glue, yet for a large part of human history this was normal and not even seen as unhealthy.

And yet, of course, now people think it's obvious that inhaling the burnt remains of some plant might not be so healthy.

>I expect that humans would accept that glue is acceptable to add to pizza if we were not taught otherwise.

That's doubtful, since pizza isn't improved upon with the addition of glue, and (again) because the premise that glue can make pizza cheese "stick" is absurd on its face. Humans don't simply add random ingredients to their food for no reason, or because no one taught them to do otherwise. There is process, aesthetic, culture and art behind the way food is designed and prepared. it needs to at least taste good. Glue covered pizza wouldn't taste good.

>Look at smoking, arguably worse then eating some types of glue, yet for a large part of human history this was normal and not even seen as unhealthy.

Again, the relative health benefits of glue or lack thereof is not the reason people don't use glue on pizza, nor is it why people consider the LLM's statement of a joke presented as fact to be absurd or exceptional.

>And yet, of course, now people think it's obvious that inhaling the burnt remains of some plant might not be so healthy.

And yet, there are also plenty of people who don't.

You just keep proving my point. There are layers of complexity and nuance to the human interpretation of all of this that simply don't exist with LLMs. The fact that we're here discussing it at all is evidence that a distinct difference exists between human cognition and LLMs.

I can see that you're deeply invested in the narrative that LLMs are functionally equivalent to humans, a lot of people seem to be. I don't know why. It isn't necessary, even with a maximalist stance on AI. But if you literally believe something as absurd as "humans would accept that glue is acceptable to add to pizza if we were not taught otherwise" and that, therefore, there is nothing wrong with an LLM presenting that as a fact, because humans and LLMs process information in exactly the same way, then I don't know what to tell you. You live in a completely different reality than I do, and I'm not going to waste any more of my time trying to explain color to the blind.

Interpretation has nothing to do with intelligence. Intelligence without context is often exactly what AI is.

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