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Some Kingston SSDs allow you to manage over-provisioning (i.e. to choose the capacity-endurance tradeoff) by using a manufacturer-provided software tool.

I don't think that would change how many bits are stored per cell, though? If you, say, set overprovisioning to 80%, then that's going to be 80% of the QLC capacity, and it's going to use the remaining 20% still in QLC mode, it's not going to recognize that it can use SLC with 20% of the SLC overprovisioned.

Yeah, all over provisioning does is gives the controller more spare cells to play with. The cells will still wear at the same rate as if you didn’t over provision, however depending on how the controller is wear leveling it could further improve the life of the drive because each cell is being used less often.

This mod (I only just skimmed the post) provides a longer life not by using the cells less often (or keeping more in reserve), but by extending each cells life by decreasing the tolerance of charge needed to store the state of the cell, but in return decreasing the bits that can be stored in the cell so decreasing the capacity.

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