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This is why stuff like this doesn’t happen more often.

I played a 10-day game of tag in college. (Called Humans vs Zombie, “humans” were able to tagged by zombies any time that they were outside. We would start with ~150 humans, at the beginning, and by the end of the game only ~30 were not zombies.)

The amount of work that the core-team put in to run the game was insane: reserving space on campus, marketing it to students, defining and refining rules, communicating with campus security, negotiating with campus administration, dealing with rule violations, and more.

I think it’s a shame that it’s so much work to put together and play what is ultimately a very simple game with very little potential to harm anyone. But there are a lot of people who are scared and uncomfortable when other people start running around.

> But there are a lot of people who are scared and uncomfortable when other people start running around.

Gosh, and for no reason whatsoever at all! /s

If you say this sarcastically I believe you think there are legitimate reasons to worry when seeing people running around in a park. Can you elaborate why that is?

> Can you elaborate why that is?

First, the person I was responding to was talking about a college campus and not a park. Second, the ridiculous number of mass shootings that have occurred in schools in the past three decades including the one on the Virginia Tech campus.

If you see a bunch of people running around and hiding in a place that's not expected it's not a great idea to assume they're doing it for fun. Not with a sad history of gun toting lunatics shooting up public spaces.

This would have been less concerning a couple decades ago, but after Virgina Tech, more than 1 or 2 people suddenly running past me would cause me to make assumptions. Some "Capture the Flag Game in Progress" signs would be comforting in that situation.

They're responding to a comment about playing tag across a college campus, not a park.

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