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Bologna clickbait title.

“Analysts expect a total update to Siri and an agreement with OpenAI or Google to integrate chatbots into the iPhone.”

Why? Neither OpenAI or Google provide good models that can be run locally on phones which is Apple’s advantage.

They’re going to be cloud models. Also Google’s Gemma:2b could totally run on an iPhone.

But Apple has their LLM research, and MSFT and others built good local models. Apple will offer local LLM APIs, which Siri and Apple-provided products will rely on a cloud service, as it had.

I said clickbait title : the title uses a present tense indicative mood verb, i.e., factual, then immediately in the first sentence switches to subjunctive "alternate possible future reality" mood.

it's total clickbait to announce something factual that is only a possible future.

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