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"because it looks nice in the tutorial with apparently simple syntax, but then on real projects it devolves into a hundred lines of abstraction nonsense over environment variables and spawning programs"

you just described "make" as well as cmake. let alone autotools (./configure, Makefile.am, etc.)

"It has terrible syntax, terrible semantics, and you need to run Make anyway"

agree. the core reason, overriding all of that, is that it fundamentally does a different job. Make is an engine that takes a high-level description of rules and dependencies, builds a graph of them, and then executes on it. but in order to work correctly, you need a full dependency graph.

the problem is that when you have a large project with lots and lots of directories that build a bunch of inter-dependent artifacts, you don't necessarily like having one single big monolithic "Makefile". so of course you break it up. Every directory has a fragment that describes just what it builds, and so on.

the old way of doing that was hierarchical makefiles and "recursive make" [1] which kinda works OK, but treats each leaf makefile and directory as an independent product. the core makefile only knows coarse dependency information about those directories as a single unit. this also has pretty severe performance and parallel build issues.

the right way of doing it is some kind of multi-stage makefile system. the first stage doesn't build the product, it builds a concrete monolithic makefile containing the whole dependency graph from distributed information in each part of the project. the second stage builds the product.

you can write the first stage in python, bash, gnu-make, etc. but make is really a difficult tool to write procedural type code in. the linux build system does this though, but it's certainly not simple.

so that's all CMake is (wonky syntax and all) is doing. and it's just a bespoke system tuned specifically for doing C and C-like compilation that allows you to build a makefile (or Ninja or etc. etc.) backend. of course it has all kinds of other features as well, but to me the core difference is that make is low-level and cmake fills that role for a high-level system.

[1] https://accu.org/journals/overload/14/71/miller_2004/

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