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Ask HN: What payment methods should be supported in Stripe?
3 points by langtang1996 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
I developed a SaaS software, which uses Stripe for receiving money and manage subscription, however I found that many users create a checkout session, but do not complete the payment, only about 30% of the users who create a checkout session complete the checkout.

The question is: Is this proportion (about 30% finish the checkout) normal? My app is a web app and only card payment is supported now (My PayPal hasn't been approved for recurring payments). Should I support more payment methods? Are there any recommended payment methods? Or is it that my product isn’t that appealing?

If customers get all the way to the payment page and abandon the purchase, that can have several causes:

- Your site doesn't offer enough or the right payment options. For example, PayPal and direct bank debit along with credit cards.

- Your site doesn't show the full price and/or all of the conditions until customers get to the payment page. Shipping charges, for example, can turn someone off completing the purchase. People abandon hotel reservations at the last page when they see all of the fees and taxes, for example. Be sure you show all of the costs and any important conditions (returns/cancel policies, shipping charges, taxes).

- Many people don't like to use their card or bank account for a recurring subscription. Do you allow paying for a year at a time? Do you take Apple Pay and/or Google Pay, which make canceling subscriptions easy?

- Business/corporate buyers may not have a company credit card. B2B products generally need payment options other than credit cards.

- Customers outside the USA may not have a credit card, or may not feel comfortable using it online without the consumer fraud protections American card users enjoy.

If your customers put things in their cart (whatever that looks like on your site) and then don't get to the payment page, that's called an abandoned cart. Some sites have very high abandoned cart rates, others complete a large percentage of sales. I can't tell for sure if you see customers abandoning before getting to the payment page or at the payment page.

Take a careful look at the checkout process, eliminate friction, make sure the site clearly explains everything, and ask your customers why they choose not to complete the sale if you can find some way to do that in your payment flow.

Thanks greg, I'll try to clarify more information on the site, your suggestions help me a lot!

The best way will be to ask users.

Your product will be appealing because your users are trying to pay and others are paying already.

For missed checkouts, you can open a popup asking why they are canceling.

Keeping it a one-click option selected will increase the odds of user answers. With options like Either they think pricing is high or missing a feature etc.

Thanks bro, it's really hard to figure out why they exit the checkout page, since Stripe does not support collect reason for why exit the checkout page (only collect reason for why cancel the subscription).

Do it manually if you have their email. Email them asking what made them abandon the purchase.

Is it possible that ~70% of the sessions are bots just scanning for easy exploits?

This should be impossible because creating the checkout session needs authentication.

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