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Ask HN: Any effects from the solar storm on infra/hardware/software?
31 points by jonbraun 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

My Eaton all-in-one CAFCI/GFCI circuit breakers CHFN115A1CS are acting up and are tripping without reporting a flash code (either nothing or solid on after reset). Older models CHFN115AF (CAFCI-only) and CHFN115DF seem to be fine (along with those older ones in 20 ampere varieties, but I don't have any of the new A1 in 20A).

Unsure if it's the electronics inside or just weird things being induced onto the power line that they don't like. Some of the tripped breakers had no load at all.

VOLMET radio transmissions, which are computer generated voices reading out weather information on shortwave frequencies are getting much less range than usual.

Listening on some WebSDRs, overnight Shannon VOLMET on 3413KHz upper-sideband from Ireland was too weak to understand in continental Europe.

The 8.957 and 13.264 daytime frequencies have mostly faded out at my location in the uk.


My landline internet was down basically the entire time the sun was up yesterday. Funny coincidence, I think.

Not sure if related, but the last 5 days or so I have had trouble with my wifi. Pinging my router has been timing out here and there due to my laptop switching more than usual from 5ghz to 2.4ghz.

Initially I thought that it could be the router (losing power)

Yesterday in a major US metropolitan area, my GPS was acting up.

Also in a major US metropolitan area. My GPS has been acting up for months. I wonder if there is an attack on that occurring. As to the geomagnetic storm, overhead fluorescent light fixtures were flickering off in sequence, just like in the movies.

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