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Can someone explain what these fields are? - notifo - showdead - noprocrast - maxvisit - minaway - delay

notifo is a notification service that you can link your account to.

showdead gives you the option to see posts of hellbanned users (which are usually invisible).

noprocrast and the following two are a neat feature to lock yourself out of hn after maxvisit minutes for minaway minutes (to stop procrastination, as the name says).

I think showdead may also allow you to see manually flagged posts.

thank you so much!

lol @ noprocrast :D

noprocrast works very well. As someone how has a HN 'problem' I would not be able to come here if it was not for noprocrast.

noprocrast must have been a technical feat. It will enforce the limit even if you are logged out and on an entire different network and switch browsers. I have not investigated how it works (I do not want to know how to avoid it) but it works better than cookies would.

If curious programmers end up spending several hours trying to beat noprocrast, wouldn't that, like, defeat the purpose of noprocrast? ;)

Unfortunately all too easy to beat in Chrome: ⌘-Shift-N + news.ycombinator.com. Relying on StayFocusd instead.

But you wouldn't be able to vote/comment, which is not fun (sometimes you might be bursting with a desire to contradict someone!).

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