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Show HN: Free web app to read YouTube transcripts and highlight them (appblit.com)
15 points by ldenoue 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I've actually done that same concept a while back when whisper.cpp came out. A significant challenge is sane paragraph segmentation, as even humans don't often agree on the best place for a line break. I wonder what approach you've used.

I've adopted a very simple approach: 80 words per "paragraph". I am now experimenting with computing the embeddings of each sentence and try to detect topic segments. But the simple approach yields pleasant segments AFAIK.

This is absolutely amazing, the fact that you can click on text and it takes you immediately to the part of the audio where that text is being said is great.

I wish the video was shown as well, but other than that, excellent work!

Now you can also watch the video, and drag it anywhere you want.

Demo in my tweet https://twitter.com/ldenoue/status/1788231159140196804

The site embeds the YouTube video so we can hear the audio, so I could show the video as well, just not sure where :)

Perhaps split in 2 columns on wide displays (video left, transcript right), and portrait (e.g. mobile phone), video on top and transcript below it?

Quick hack: just replace youtube.com with appblit.com to see the transcript of any YouTube video.

Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AaNT7XO41I https://www.appblit.com/watch?v=0AaNT7XO41I

What am I meant to once I have highlighted text? The export buttons don't even use them

The pdf should show them as bold. I’ll see how to add the highlights to the markdown and html. Hard for text (maybe use * around each?)

You can share the link as it contains the list of timestamps corresponding to your highlights.

So others or yourself can see them again.

Just updated the app so export to PDF now shows your highlights colored.

Just seeing loading spinner…not obvious what I should be doing

The first time the deep net needs to load. I should add a progress of some sort. Thanks

Has downloaded fine just now

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