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Or you could buy a rpi2040 for 99 cents.

You can get a three pack of esp32 dev boards (with headers) for $6 from Aliexpress. For that you get:

1) Wifi.

2) Much more robust ecosystem, including esphome (the subject of this post).

Wasn't there previously some problem with using Pico boards and you had to use a fork because PlatformIO were trying to get vendors to pay (for something they never asked for), and then kicking up a big fuss when they didn't pay up. I say vendorS because they are now trying it on with Espressif also. It seems like a very strange funding model. Did that get fixed? It was a depressing state of affairs when I last looked.

That'd get you the chip which you'd have to solder to a board. Possible and feasible but not as easy as plugging in an ESP8266.

You would not only have to solder it to a board, you would also have to provide a radio peripheral. At which point you're pretty much looking at a pico W, which just isn't as cheap or small as a D1 Mini (or similar).

Plus the 99 cents for flash chip.

Plus the 99 cents for the PCB.

Plus the 99 cents for misc parts like regulator and caps.

Plus the $4 for the wifi module.

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