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If TikTok Is Such a Threat, Show Us the Receipts (bloomberg.com)
5 points by marban 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

This is my post from another thread. I've read that ByteDance benefits from CCP support. To me, it's the exact opposite. The CCP is hindering ByteDance more than it helps.

Original Post:https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40131978

Do you have solid evidence that ByteDance receives important benefits from CCP? It seems to me that it's the opposite of what you wrote and that the CCP is making it much harder for ByteDance to do business and dominate. If I'm ByteDance, I'd rather have the CCP distance itself from me and not interfere with anything. That'd help more.

To me, all governments protect their own big industries. You don't think Meta has lobbyists behind the bill? You don't think Microsoft does - whom has made it clear that they're interesting in buying TikTok - as well?

Meta's war against Tiktok:



The Huawei ban hugely benefited Apple, Cisco, and Samsung. But the Huawei ban also fired up China. After 5 years, Huawei is now making a huge comeback but this time, without dependencies on crucial American technology. Look at the reports of Huawei sales and Apple's decline in sales in China in Q1 2024.

China will now compete against America's semiconductor industry - instead of being buyers. The world also sees lesser of the US because of the Huawei ban. Now even some European countries are weary of relying too much on America.

So while the Huawei ban did initially boost American companies, the damage is everlasting and America can't deny that it's now in a protectionist state. You can fool the public through propaganda (such as "China bad") but not governments around the world.

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