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Show HN: Minard – Generate beautiful charts with natural language (minard.ai)
28 points by boyd 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Hi HN – Excited to share a beta for Minard, a new data visualization toolkit we've been working on that lets you generate publication-quality charts with simple natural language (throw away your matplotlib docs and rejoice!).

Upload or import CSVs, Excel, and JSON, give it a spin, and please let us know what you think! (Long format data works best for now)

For those curious, the stack is a simple Django app with HTMX/Alpine and all of the charts are specified and rendered as Vega (https://vega.github.io/vega/). Lots of LLM function calling under the hood as well.

Could you please put the link to the login page on the website somewhere? I could sign up (capacity was available), but can’t get back to the user dashboard.

Excited to try it out and throw away my mpl/seaborn dox!

It looks like on mobile in portrait that link isn’t showing up in the header. Thanks for flagging!

We’ll get that fixed, but in the meantime the direct login link is https://minard.ai/accounts/login/

Note that the site is not mobile optimized at the moment, so you’ll want to be on desktop or at least a tablet to actually play around with it.

Oh cool! Thank you and noted!

check examples, seems cool.

what I want soon is 'draw me a map of the US, add a blue dot for every X thing in every place.. now add a red dot for every Y thing in 2023'

not sure if that would be possible with this, or it may be available via another tool, have not dove in as deep in these things yet as I would like.

With beautiful charts, I think of how Apple or Vercel does it.

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