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Ask HN: What is a good alternative to SendGrid?
5 points by max_ 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments
I liked SendGrids free tier of 100 emails per day.

Unfortunately, they are forcing me to login via twilio which has really horrible on boarding (I can't get my account verified).

I was wondering if there is any other email sending service as reliable as SendGrid but also has an equally generous free tier?

I need it to primarily send emails via an API

Thanks in advance.

This might help https://listmonk.app/

You may try with resend (https://resend.com/)

Resend founder here - thanks for the shoutout @richin13!

a lot of people have been migrating off Sendgrid to Resend for this exact same reason.

happy to answer any questions you may have.

Hi Zeno, kudos on the launch!

what is different about resend compared to sendgrid, mailgun, mailjet, postmark etc. besides the pricing?

Our approach to email is fundamentally different. We very much believe in the power of open source, and that's why we built react.email to support the creation of beautiful templates using modern technology like React, Tailwind, and TypeScript.

These are the things that we believe: https://resend.com/philosophy

Have you tried Make.com paired with your Google account to send directly from your inbox?

SES is best when considering free emails

Use resend or postmark

MailJet has an okay free tier.

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