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Update: I currently just decided to learn it via frontendmasters.com.

I'm not sure if it is the best thing, but it seems to be good enough for now. The teacher is contextualizing a few things that I would for sure not get by just reading the docs. We started out with React.createElement() and I remembered what it was (it has been a while, ha!). But I've never created a page in that way. After 30 min. of that and 1 hour of setting everything up, it's now time for actual React.

I'm also a video watcher, so I gues that helps too.

I once learned React myself by reading Road To React in 2017 and have used it in my work, even last year. But given that I've never labeled myself as a front-end developer I want a more coherent picture than just "oh yea, I can work in a React codebase and make it work." Which is what I've been doing all these years. Well that and backend and keeping up to date on security.

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