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Ask HN: Cloud Office Version of MS Access DB
2 points by nytesky 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Why does Google workspace nor Microsoft office 365 have a cloud and web-based Microsoft access database or even an app for the iPhone and android. What is a good substitute, spreadsheet is not cutting it for me.

IIRC, Access could link with Sharepoint Lists, so any data written into the local DB would sync to the cloud and back. Not sure if it works with multiple devices, and it's been a while since I used it last...

The next tools i know for databases are pgadmin4(postgres database administration) and libreoffice base(more similar to access).

Retable.io? Has an app for iPhone/Android as well.

Google Appsheet.

This looks like what I need, thank you!

It does scale with security filters...


maybe getgrist.com

Maybe SmartSheets and Grist cover this use case?

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