I'm moving ~20 years of my personal photos, videos, and files from external hard disks to a cloud. Motivation: a damaged/lost/stolen SSD could lose my precious memories forever.
I'm an iPhone/mac user (no iCloud for photo/videos, just contacts and a few very small things that makes moving to a new iPhone easier). But I also use Google Drive a lot.
I'm from a country with terribly slow upload speeds, and I've got 10 days in a country with high upload speeds, so I'll try to make a decision soon.
For a fairly important decision, I find surprisingly little useful comparisons online.
The most useful has been a youtube comment [1]:
> The biggest difference is that iCloud is a sync service, whereas Drive is a backup and sync service. Being able to store things and delete them from your device while still having the option to sync specific folders across devices makes Drive superior to both iCloud and OneDrive.
This makes me lean toward google drive.
Your thoughts one this are greatly appreciated.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=794VnvYuJ5c
I use iCloud and Adobe Lightroom. In LR, I make sure that it keeps full resolution photos on a removable drive. Then I back up that drive to a NAS once week or so. Backup folder on NAS is mounted only during backup.