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Any ideas to monetize a 3yr old podcast?
4 points by elcazador 8 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Looking to (further) monetize a podcast I started in January 2021. Thanks!

Rank it on https://microlaunch.net to give it a second life and exposure over a month of rankings overall

Run ads. There are plenty of services that can help e.g. https://gumball.fm

How your community is engaged in your creation ? do you have top fans, by that I mean like 10 persons really into your podcast.

You’ll need to share more info. Number of episodes, traction, topics, …

If you’re comfortable sharing a link I can reach out and setup a review.

make an episode examining the evidence of [???] elicited by analysis of the prior podcast. make sure you have a good ad or two


make some new episodes

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