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> Both Islam and Christianity (and Judaism, for that matter) can be pretty oppressive, if you read their scriptures at face value. They all record Bronze Age attitudes.

The earliest of those was compiled long into the Iron Age, though some of them refer to events which would, based on the timeline in the narrative, have occurred in the Bronze Age (or the Copper Age, or the neolithic) through that Iron Age lens. And, even insofar as, e.g., the Mosaic law may be said to “reflect Bronze Age values”, its also basically declared mostly-irrelevant to non-Jewish Christians in the Christian scriptures when taken at face value (in Acts of the Apostles.)

Which is not to say that Islam, Christianity, and Judaism can’t be oppressive, and some of that doesn’t come from their Scriptures, but to the extent either of those is true, “Bronze Age values” in the scriptures “at face value” are mostly beside the point.

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