You can, and we've written about the differences also, here [0].
The summary is that there is still a performance hit for boot time (100s of milliseconds to seconds vs. 1 to 100 of milliseconds for Unikraft); performance hit at runtime (even removing the syscall boundaries has a less-than-ideal impact based on previous studies); and, there's extra bloat from the image size itself (the image is still at the very least 30MB+ vs. as little as 100KB for Unikraft) which affects startup time and cost of storage + transport.
You can, and we've written about the differences also, here [0].
The summary is that there is still a performance hit for boot time (100s of milliseconds to seconds vs. 1 to 100 of milliseconds for Unikraft); performance hit at runtime (even removing the syscall boundaries has a less-than-ideal impact based on previous studies); and, there's extra bloat from the image size itself (the image is still at the very least 30MB+ vs. as little as 100KB for Unikraft) which affects startup time and cost of storage + transport.