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ХУЯ – A Russian Programming Language (github.com/tsoding)
15 points by ycuser2 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

There's also a video of the guy who made the language explaining it (in Russian): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4EOMbmIqqw

Compiler is written in Rust: https://github.com/tsoding/good_training_language/blob/main/...

If you want to read the name with respect to Russian pronunciation it will be "khuya" and means that form of a noun "dick" word that relates to an absent state of the noun like when you want to say "there is no any dick" but you do not say the rest of the line.

The name made me laugh.

The compiler command, "хуяк", is a dick-derived obscene word denoting some intense, quick event.

As typical product of russian culture it must include swearing.

A typical russophobic utterance coming from a country aptly named by Churchill a 'greedy hyena of Europe'.

For the compiler implementation in Rust, I wonder how practical it is to switch between Latin for the Rust keywords, and Cyrillic for everything else. Do Russian keyboards make that simple (e.g. a modifier key like Ctrl or Alt), or does it involve switching the whole keyboard layout (like for instance switching between German and US layout).

When I spent some time at a Chinese company, at least it was common there to write only the comments and documentation in Chinese, but not the actual program logic (e.g. types, variables, functions etc... were named in English, which made it surprisingly easy for non-Chinese speakers to work on that codebase).

Why this hack when there's this widely used 1С language with its syntax and identifiers natively in Russian.

It's mostly an Aprils Fools joke, starting with a name.


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