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It doesn't really look any different from the terrible Photoshops that old people would like and share. AI has most lowered the bar of entry.

But the flip side is that as costs come down and diffusion models see greater use, we may actually have classifier models tagging likely fake AI images and Photoshops both.

Writers these days love to write stories about how terrible AI is, but often neglect to realize that it's a double edged sword and the infrastructural production deploys of the other edge of mass low barrier adoption takes more time but is certainly on its way.

Rather than a world where AI ushered in misinformation, we may actually get to an end result where we have greater skepticism and improved platform tooling to combat it because of both the underlying technology and the push to offset the wave of low effort spam.

Consider applying for YC's Spring batch! Applications are open till Feb 11.

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