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I think most of you are taking the post too literally. He is going against the rising trend of post implying "EVERYONE SHOULD CODE, IT'S GREAT, YOU WOULD BE CRAZY NOT TO, ITS SO EASY". It almost sounds like an infomercial. Of course anyone who is interested should learn how to code. Anyone interested should learn a bit about plumbing. And about home wiring, and car repair, and...the list goes on. No matter what skill level you actually end up achieving if you are interested in coding go for it. But lets not pretend as if it is for everyone. And lets not pretend that a majority of the people would even be interested. Most people hate taking Math in school and they complain when they get older that they never use it. The same with a lot of other subjects in school as well.

Whats more important is that the computer stops becoming a black box for the average user. They should be taught the basics when it comes to how it works. It would not only help make it easier for the average person to use, it would help with security as well. If we teach basic programming skills to make that happen then I'm all for it. Coding is not the important part, understanding the machine is.

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