It needs to be more explicit that it is a curl invocation as a service. I was close to giving up and flagging because i didn't understood what this website does.
Also, what does "Run request on demand" mean? How is that demand determined?
It's fairly self explanatory if you try it. The generated page has a button you click to run the request, rather than just running as soon as it loads.
The difference is that the Curl call is made in a remote server. Similar to a Proxy, but I suppose the proxy is configured at this website rather than the callsite.
Using location hash minimizes the risk of accidental activation by automated scanners if the URL is logged somehow, as it requires using a browser for JavaScript to read it.
That is awesome. I've always wanted to be able to access URLs from my browser. /s
In all seriousness, I'm sure there is a use case for this, but is is not at all self-evident, so you probably need to explain why you built this. Or maybe that is what is in the video, but people aren't going to watch a video if the top of the page doesn't already grab them in some way.
Thank you for the feedback. Yes, the initial use cases are explained on the video, I tried to condense all information in one minute, but I plan to add more key features. You are right, top page isn't catchy, I'll think about it
Also, what does "Run request on demand" mean? How is that demand determined?