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About tweaking the fundamental settings of your brain (bewelltuned.com)
26 points by bfoks 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments

I'm struggling to understand and even read this. The author ought to be using headings instead of so many bullet points, which are meant for a tight group of short related points, not paragraph separators.

But trying to look past that I'm still failing to understand that this is about it what you're meant you be doing.

Maybe you aren't target demographics or something else. I have no problem reading and understanding it. This is condensed, information rich text that I find way better than 15 pages pages of noncontent. I dont understand your point about headings - you mean headings-only text is more readable than bullets?

At a guess author uses one of those nested list note taking apps

The author should perhaps tone down and clarify his writing, and thus be more respectful of his readers.

The author is dead.

How did you find that out?

Who is the author? I'm looking for more context on them and their writing and cannot divine anything from the website that would identify them. It's almost as if they're withholding their identity.

So basically half of this is in an indirect form to practice the skills of meditation?

good lord, what is this unreadable rubbish?

> Note 2: do not fix with cognition what can be fixed with chemistry. Before anything else, your brain is a biological machine.

No no no. Stop with the senseless proliferation of pills. If pills were the solution we would not see the huge need for talk therapy - which works only if there is a genuine therapeutic relationship. If you think this further, if you’re in a situation where your therapist is the only non-toxic person in your environment and the only person you can truly connect to, then it’s not your “brain chemistry” but the toxic environment you need to get out of. Don’t take pills to endure shit. Don’t drink coffee to replace sleep.

Sometimes they can be a prerequisite for talk therapy to be useful. Or lets say, without them, the chance of success would be very low.

Huh thought he meant proper nutrition. Didn’t even think he meant pills.

Talk therapy can not fix depression or ADHD or bipolar or schizophrenia. Pills can mitigate some of the fundamental chemical imbalances present in those brains.

At least for depression, the chemical imbalance theory has long been disproved, a recent summary of the evidence: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jul/20/scientists-q...

Very simple view you have.

Ritalin helped me a lot.

Your use case doesn’t contradict the post that you replied to

Yes it does.

The pill was the solution.

A pill solving something doesn't mean that it's the only way or even the best way to solve that something.

I didn't say that. But in my case it does and I can't talk through adhs...

Pills are.nit inherently bad.

Pills are/can be what glasses are for eyes.

if this had a repo in github, I'd PR "SSL" to the skill tree.

It has one, seemingly. Not much activity though. I wonder how the site is hosted


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