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Folding@Home (wikipedia.org)
10 points by doener 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

I remember using Folding@Home and SETI@Home and when the Bitcoin craze first began (I mean when it was less than $100) I always wondered why no one had developed a system in which you are rewarded for "mining," but your mining operation was something like Folding@Home where the outcome could potentially help all of humanity. I assume there are some coins that try to do something like this, but not at scale like Bitcoin.

The moment you try to monetize something, you change it. Folding@Home works because people want to contribute to something bigger than themselves. The moment you try to reward people for their effort, especially in monetary fashion, the entire thing will collapse. And it only takes one bad actor to ruin the whole system.

Bitcoin can also help humanity to get rid off centralized finance and enable humanity, decentralized trust based transparent finance. Btw, there are Filecoin and Namecoin for decentralized storage and decentralized domain names respectively but idk how much adopted and relevant are they on a grand scale.

There was an attempt with FoldingCoin: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8963209

Bitcoin has had "mining pools" for well-over a decade.

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