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Show HN: I made a boilerplate to ship iOS apps in a few days or hours (swiftship.dev)
2 points by mstdayoub 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Hey HN,

I've been working on iOS mobile apps for nearly 5 years, always striving to ship fast and minimize my time to market.

To achieve this, I reuse code from my previous apps as much as possible.

To make this code reusable and structured for me as for anyone. I built SwiftShip as a Swift UI boilerplate code. It includes pre-built features commonly needed in iOS mobile apps.

It will save iOS developers hours of development time, research, effort, and headaches when building and shipping iOS apps.


I.A.N.A.L but upon reading the license you provide with the boilerplate, seems like it is problematic at best. It possibly makes the whole thing unusable and non-distributable. Looks like this license has some of its terms cut-and-paste of other licenses without regard to what it actually means legally.

For example, your restrictions clause direct conflicts with the license grant when you mention that a licensee is restricted from :

- Modify, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the SwiftShip boilerplate.

Creating derivatives, modifying and reverse engineering are basically steps needed to adapt it to certain types of apps.

And then this: - Remove, alter, or obscure any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices from the SwiftShip boilerplate.

Ok not really a contradiction but let's say you want to add end-user-visible copyright/trademarks... Then one cannot remove it to make their brand new app 100% on brand and without a third party brand splattered all over it.

Always read the license people...

Hello Thank you for the feedback. It's a customized license done for swiftship. all the terms are related to the specificity of SwiftShip. For the first restriction, it's for people copying or creating similar product or clones using swiftship and selling it as boilerplate or template app, as for their own mobile apps developers could use it as they want. For the copyright restriction, I agree with you there is some ambiguity I'll try to make it more clear.

"...For the first restriction, it's for people copying or creating similar product or clones using swiftship and selling it as boilerplate or template app..."

I get and agree with the idea of protecting your product/IP from being copied, cloned and resold for the same purpose as you are selling/licensing it, competing with your own offer. In that case, the license should very clearly express and address this concern. Clear licenses incentivize use ;) thanks for making the effort to make it more clear. Everyone profits from transparency.

Absolutely, thank you for pointing this.

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