There is no better feeling than being _in the zone_ for me. I forget to eat, to drink, to communicate. But besides through a fragile symphony music and totally empty surroundings (at home) or a busy café (with headphones) it seems really hard to trigger this flow state. Sprinkle some existential dread on top (due to the current employment situation...), and it becomes nigh-impossible.
So, HN, what are your tricks and hacks to _limitlesslify_ yourself? I'm becoming desperate.
You get into the zone because you're obsessed with a problem or an idea. It's the key to being in the flow. Too many people try to optimize the environment, when it helps only a little.
Unfortunately, I only have a little clue how to trigger it. But I do know that what you're working on is the most important part. In addition to that journaling, reading, and meditation help. Other than that, it's okay to leave these things to chance and not try too hard.