Are QR codes the wrong approach for storing gigabytes worth of storage and beyond in graphical way?
edit---it has to be a still image so people can print it out the image and 'download' have
their cameras 'read' it from their phones,webcams
---you can laminate it if you want to and it will still be scannable
If take the image size from an average phone you will get maybe 10-20 megapixels. There are phones which do 200. But a QR is going to take a great many pixels per byte. It not going to work.
At perhaps 2KB per page, you'd need 524288 pages to store a 1GB. That's 1048 reams. Please just use an archival optical disk instead.
Even if the scheme using multiple QR codes in sequence rather than a single large code block. The paper backup implementations that use QR codes are only meant to be used for private key backup.