Hey HN community, I've developed a unique social network for privacy enthusiasts.
It's built on the idea of using your own devices as a private cloud, so your data isn't stored on external servers.
Instead, our platform fetches what's needed directly from your device, using it temporarily with RAM storage only.
This approach means you enjoy social networking without sacrificing your data privacy.
Your information remains yours, accessed only when necessary and never stored long-term.
To see it in action, here's a demo video: https://youtu.be/Z9zl-JWXZoE (Signup required for full access.)
Feedback and thoughts are highly welcome.
There was some discussion about that problem in the most recent YaCy submission <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39613436> about how those crypto "run this closed source binary" projects have adoption hurdles. I wish you good luck
Also, https://nodesociety.com/create says "I accept" without providing the things one is agreeing to. I'm aware they're at the bottom of the page, but I think a reasonable person could for sure overlook them due to the needlessly swooshy swirling background image that obfuscates the white on black text. Related to that, the Privacy Policy link on your Play Store page is 404