- About 9 months ago we burned 2 separate days handling migrations on Supabase. Supabase CLI version and/or local Docker version change made it impossible for my teammate to bring up the db on their local. Migrations couldn't be applied. Fresh pull didn't work either. I thought this was a fluke.
- Working with a new team/stack (flask, alembic, postgres). Twice in the last month I had to change the `alembic_version` in the db just to get the migrations to apply. I think we found ourselves in this situation because we rewrote the history by having the new new migration point to a previous revision (HEAD^) instead of the last one (HEAD). Not sure what our motivation was.
- What am/are I/we doing wrong?
- What's the right/robust way to do this?
- How are teams of size >2 handling this?
- Isn't this scary?
Directory with .sql files starting with a number. Each file contains a set of changes to the db. The db has a table with the number that was applied last. To migrate your db you check if you have a file with a number that is higher than the one in the db. Then you apply that file to your db. That’s it.
Sounds like you are working in a way that is not intended by your tool / framework.