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What you say makes sense. But that trust needs to extend to the hosting platform itself, because the platform can manipulate all non-signed data. I don't see how a GitHub profile by itself is trustworthy. You need some additional, external and independent verification that that GitHub profile is really authentic and doesn't contain compromised code.

There is nothing stopping me from creating the accounts IggleSniggle or Iggle5n1ggle on github.

I mean... yeah, you obviously have to trust someone to vouch for the authenticity of an identity. In the case of Github, that's the platform owner. In the case of a digital signature, that's the root certificate authority.

With that being said, your example feels pretty far off the mark. You might be able to phish using a similar looking identity, but that's completely unrelated to the trustworthiness of the platform. It's not as though you'll manage to somehow phish Github into showing someone else's trustworthy work history on a spoofed identity.

> It's not as though you'll manage to somehow phish Github into showing someone else's trustworthy work history on a spoofed identity.

You don't need to trick github, that's just how it works by design. Anyone can upload any repo to github. There is nobody checking the repo isn't stolen or fake. Github does not claim to be vouching for anyone. At most they will delete malware and obvious scams if it happens to comes to their attention.

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