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Here's the problem: how do you know that the commit signers are the current maintainers of the repo?

That problem is social you can never be sure of that even with hardware signing of commits. No tech can ever solve that. Just get "pull requests" from contributors you know and pull from maintainers you trust. Is the social model.

That's not quite right, we solved this in Radicle. Each change in ownership (adding/removing maintainers) is signed by the previous set of owners. You can therefore trace the changes in ownership starting from the original set, which is bound to the Repository ID.

Sure, but again, you've added convenience - or what you feel like it's convenience - for something that probably can be achieved right now with open source tools. A "CONTRIBUTORS" file with sign-offs by maintainers is an example of a solution for the same thing.

I don't deny that your improvements can benefit certain teams/developers but I feel like there are very few people that would actually care about them and they're not making use of alternatives.

A CONTRIBUTORS file is easy to change by anyone hosting the repository - it's useless for the purpose of verification, unless you have a toolchain to verify each change to said file. "Sign-offs by maintainers" it not useful either unless you already know who the maintainers are, and you are kept up to date (by a trusted source) when the maintainers change. This is what Radicle does, for free, when you clone a repo.

All good points, but now you moved the trust requirement from me having to trust the people working on the code, to me having to trust the tool that hosts the code. I'm not convinced your model is better. :P

Over time, I’d expect trusting the tool to be more and more trustworthy as more and more eyeballs can review the tool.

Whereas having to trust people, especially as people cycle in and out over time can be inherently stochastic.

I don't know, for me when I get involved with a project, I'm more likely to be aware of the people involved with it than the place where they host it.

I understand that the disruption Radicle wants to bring is to divorce projects from their developers, but that sounds so foreign to me, that I can't wrap my head around it. I can see its use in some cases: abandoned projects, unethical behaviour from maintainers, but not to the extent where a new platform is required.

Maybe that's why I'm being such a Negative Nancy. I hope u/cloudhead didn't consider my replies too aggressive. :)

For me, one of the benefits of FOSS is that I don't have to trust the people. I can look at the code and decide for myself.

Not looking to convince you of that or anything though... :)

Can’t debate that :)

How do I verify the “original set”, or the Repository ID, if not out-of-band communication (like a project’s official website)? And then what advantage does this have over the project maintainer signing commits with their SSH key and publishing the public key out-of-band?

I think there’s room for improvements in distributed or self-hosted git, but I think they exist more in the realm of usability than any technological limitations with the protocol. Most people don’t sign git commits because they don’t know it’s possible—not because it’s insecure.

The repository id can be derived via a hash function from the initial set of maintainers, so all you need to know is that you have the correct repository id.

The advantage of this is that (a) it verifies that the code is properly signed by the maintainer keys, and (b) it allows for the maintainer key(s) to evolve. Otherwise you’d have to constantly check the official website for the current key set (which has its own risks as well)

I'm not sure how any of this solves the problem.

If I am on the internet there is no key or keys that I could definitively say came from the _real_ maintainers. I need to trust some source or sources for that.

In your model, committing to the repo requires a private key. This key claims ownership of the repo. If that key is lost or stolen I have lost ownership of that repo. With no out of band method to recover it.

If that key is unknowing stolen, ownership is switched to a new key, this is a pretty bad scenario.

Basically, I still always need to go to some other out of band source to verify that bad things have not happened.

Radicle developer here :) And yes you're completely right.

The current state of key management has A LOT left to be desired, because `did:key` has no rotation and so if you lose your key then it's game over. We decided to go with something simple first to allow us to develop the collaboration experience as much as possible -- we're a small team so it's hard to tackle all of the large problems all at once, while also getting an experience that's polished :D

Key management and a general "profile" is high on our priority list after we have properly launched. A few of us think DIDs (https://www.w3.org/TR/did-core/) are a good way forward. In particular, `did:keri` seems very interesting because its method involves a merkle-chain log, which can be easily encoded in Git. It includes key pre-rotation -- meaning there's a key that's available to help recover if something goes wrong. It can also delegate to other people, so you can allow the safety of your identity and key be improved by third-parties.

That said maybe there are other DID methods or other methods in general that might better suit. Or maybe we're able to build something that can be more general, and just needs to essentially resolve to a public/private key pair and we don't care after that.

Would definitely be interested in the communities thoughts here :) Or if someone who's got expertise in the area wants to chip in, hit us up ;)

It's seems to me that for security reasons it might be a good idea to support separate signing keys for normal commits and commits that change the ownership set. This would allow you to keep the ownership change keys offline under the assumption they are rarely used. This is something PoS cryptocurrencies tend to do by having a separate withdrawal key for accessing stake to the signing key used for block proposals, attestations etc.

Interesting idea, thanks!

How do you know the repository id is the correct one?

You have just changed the requirement from knowing the maintainers public key, to knowing a different public key. Sounds pretty much the same problem to me.

The difference is that the repository id is stable, while the maintainer keys can change.

Except repository ids change when the repo is forked.

Yes, but the maintainers can be changed while also keeping the identifier stable.

Updates to the delegate set (read: maintainers) can be made, let's say adding a new delegate. This change is signed by a quorum of the current set of maintainers. This change is kept track of in the Git commit history, so these chain of actions can be walked from the root and verified at each point.

Similarly, a delegate can be removed, the project name changed, etc.

Forking is only necessary if there is a disagreement between maintainers that cannot be resolved so one of them goes off to create a new identifier to differentiate between the two. At this point, it's up to you to decide who you trust more to do a better job :)

How do you fork an abandoned repo?

When you fork an abandoned repo, you are essentially giving it a new repository identity, which is a new root of trust, with a new maintainer set. You'll then have to communicate the new repository identifier and explain that this is a fork of the old repo.

By the same way I know how the commit signers are who they say they are in "regular" usage of GPG: I have verified the key belongs to them, or their keys are signed by people I trust to have verified, etc, etc. Like a sibling said, the problem is social rather than technical.

By joining the web of trust. Meeting people, verifying each other's identities and getting keys signed.

Debian seems to be quite good at this.




Does that matter if the signatures are valid?

Yeah, because for eg. I can publish the given repository from my server with an additional signed commit (signed by me) on top of the original history, and that commit could include a backdoor. You have no way of knowing whether this additional commit is "authorized" by the project leads/owners or not.

That is in fact the point, it's decentralized by nature. The entire idea behind git's decentralization is that your version with an additional backdoor is no lesser of a version than any other. You handle that at the pointer or address level i.e. deciding to trust your server.

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