Reposts are fine after a year or so (, but if a topic has had significant attention more recently, that's what we count as a dupe.
Endatabas team here. Thanks for clarifying why this post was marked as a dupe.
We recently released our Beta, including a live in-browser demo built on Wasm. It seems the OP noticed our release somewhere, but didn't mention the Beta or the Wasm build in their new post.
This is super cool! It seems that endb uses emscripten to compile to WebAssembly, I wonder if they tried WASI or WASIX ( to target both browser and server environments!
We did try to get WASI to work, but ECL itself doesn't yet target it. It fell down on missing set/longjmp support in wasi-libc. We haven't tried WASIX yet.
There are other approaches than the one we've taken so far, and we're still experimenting. But for the current demo, we're quite happy with Emscripten. The entire Wasm ecosystem feels pretty darn magical. :)
I spoke to the authors of this database while running my last startup about the exact problem this sets out to solve—the need for time-travel features in particular domains (versioning for everything!). Opens up a range of interesting options for novel user experiences—really glad that this is seeing the light of day.
Endatabas: A SQLite-inspired, SQL document database with full history - - Dec 2023 (20 comments)
Reposts are fine after a year or so (, but if a topic has had significant attention more recently, that's what we count as a dupe.