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> We don't spend hours debugging obscure IE bugs

IE "bugs" are rarely obscure. Most "bugs" are actually as-intended behavior, which is documented on MSDN. Do your homework.

> Sensible browsers can do amazing things (canvas, SVG animations, CSS3, web-sockets, blazingly fast JS), and limiting usage to these lets Paydirt take full advantage of these new technologies.

As was mentioned earlier, graceful degradation renders this point moot. Web pages do not need to look and function the same in every browser.

> Originally, we feared that we'd receive a torrent of angry emails from avid IE users. In reality we've received exactly zero requests for IE support, angry or otherwise.

Ignorance begets ignorance. The lion's share of people that use IE aren't technically savvy. They're people like parents, uncles or even grandparents. Why expect them to know how to send complaints when they barely know how to use a web browser?

> We work harder when we're happier, and skipping the dirty work of IE makes us very happy.

Clearly you were never working hard to begin with. Supporting IE is much easier than Internet FUD makes it appear.

> Who knows – future versions of IE will probably be standards compliant, super fast and reasonably secure.

You mean like IE 9? A little-known fact is that IE 4-6 were the most innovative browsers of their time. `innerHTML`? IE; event listeners (`*tachEvent`)? IE; editable text content (`innerText`)? IE. Those are some pretty important additions from a platform that seems to get no respect.

Cut the browser elitism and get a clue.

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