The Pomodoro is the default standard for productivity. It's certainly concise and low-overhead, but can still be scaled into elaborate systems. However, I wonder if anyone ever has problems following it. And if so, what are alternative methods to focused work and productivity?
I've seen only one before- the Flowtime Technique, which is really just Pomodoro with no preset time blocks and with flexible breaks.
My flow recipe is as follows:
* A comfortable environment, i.e.: a comfortable, pleasant, quiet place (can use noise cancelling headphones).
* I mark on Slack that I am in deep work for an hour, set an alarm on my phone, and then close all communication tabs (slack, email, etc.)
* I've found Youtube Music's "Focus" section to be pretty good for focus music, but I have a couple go-to albums and playlists I can use also.
* I rigourously plan out my work before I get into it, and I also re-plan a bit as I get going. I don't want my brain to have to keep track of what I need to do and to the greatest degree reasonable I don't want to think about how to do XYZ. I wrote a bit about this:
* I try not to keep snacks in my apartment. Again this is in service of not allowing there to be an avenue for the brain to shift to. I've settled on Almonds.
* Being able to put work out of mind at the end of the day is important. For me, running helps relieve tension - but there are other ways.