A local Taiwanese friend took me to a hot spring about 50 minutes away. After we arrived, we hiked about 15 minutes to the hot spring, at one point crossing a fast-moving river via some large bolders. When we arrived, I noticed a huge fence and sign warning not to enter the hot spring, due to quick temperature changes, and also occasional flooding.
Since it wasn't raining and we saw many locals enjoying the springs, we went in and had a great time. This hot spring is also beautiful. It's a shame it's not mentioned in the article, but Taiwan has some great hot springs as well.
Ponta De Ferraria was such a unique experience. Clinging tightly to the chains/ropes crossing the channel waiting for a wave to come in. The water coming in from the open ocean is so cold. Just when it starts to feel like you're about the freeze to death (I am a wimp when it comes to the cold), the incredibly hot water which has been heated by the spring comes rushing over you. And just when you're about to overcook, it stops. Repeated over and over again. Very invigorating. I imagine it's kind of like alternating between a cold plunge and hot plunge, except I can never force myself to get into a cold plunge.
And if you are on the island anyway, there are dozens of other natural hot springs worth visiting too.
Hot water beach, NZ north Island. The battle of the Somme being fought by grannies and wee kids with plastic spades and beach buckets in a 50m wide stretch of the sand, on a beach. Gently fighting over squatting rights to a puddle. Much more fun than it sounds, but also utterly unlike the instagram princess photo on web brochures.
It's a little hard to get there. You either have to get to Temco, or Validiva and then get to Conaripe by bus. Also, there are seasons for it. I went to Validiva and got lucky with a 2hr uber ride.
It wouldn't be a great shot of some people enjoying a natural hot spring miles from civilization, if it didn't have some plastic sheet garbage in the foreground.