I seem to have gotten caught up with this bad habit, after completing my daily tasks I just can't get myself to go to sleep directly before spending and hour or two on the internet.
I want to end this but I can't find a good way to deal with it.
Have you gone through this? Any tips on overcoming this?
However, I think reverse bedtime procrastination is mostly tied to emotions. It's easy to feel like you have no time to yourself when you have a busy job, busy commute etc. Or you feel like you "have to" put time into "worthwhile" activities like studying. Then it gets to bedtime and you finally give yourself permission to relax, and you end up scrolling on your phone for a few hours.
Here's a few things you could try:
Try scheduling fun and relaxation throughout your day. Give yourself permission to enjoy yourself at these times. Now, when you go to sleep you can remember that you had time to yourself already, and you have time to yourself scheduled for tomorrow.
I often struggled with negative emotions and looked at my phone to distract myself. Even noticing that you are doing this can be tricky. Try to name the emotions you are having throughout the day (literally saying them out loud can help). Over time this will lead you to realizing how your habits form. "Oh, I'm feeling disappointed with how work went so I want to distract myself and look at my phone".
This sounds very simple but it is surprisingly difficult. Good luck!