Are "Random shell scripts from the internet" categorically worse than "random docker images from the internet"?
With the shell script, you can literally read it in an editor to make sure it isn't doing anything that weird. A single pass through shellcheck would likely tell you if it's doing anything that is too weird/wrong in terms of structure.
Auditing a docker container is way more difficult/complex.
"Dockerize all the things", especially in cases when the prereqs aren't too weird, seems like it wastes space, and also is harder to maintain - if any of the included components has a security patch, it's rebuild the container time...
If you want an example of how little importance vetting oci images is to most ops/infra teams I have a great example- I used to work on low level k8s multitenant networking stuff, think cdns. Most of them use something like multus to split up vfio paths between tenants. Think chopping your NIC into 24 private channels and each channel is one customer. The ENTIRE path has to be private, the container starts and claims that network path on the physical NIC. No network packet can ever be accessed by another channel, server or container. I was alpha-testing multus which controls this network pathing that every customer would take ingress and egress out of a cluster and put up some test containers on dockerhub.
Multus sits at the demarc line between the container and the NIC channel. I'm not saying it's possible or ever been done but if I were going to set up a traffic mirror somewhere it'd logically have to be there or after the NIC..
I wrote it 5 years ago. I have no idea what version of multus it's running but even today it's getting pulls, last pull 19 days ago. Overall pulls over 5 years is over 10k.
These containers would spin up every time a container starts on k8s that attaches an ovf interface. So, it's pretty much guaranteed that this is in use somewhere in someones scaling infra. I don't know if I SHOULD delete the image and potentially take down someones infra or just let them keep chugging at it. I'm not paying for dockerhub.
edit: Looks like it's installing the latest multus package so not AS terrible but .. multus is not something to play loose with versioning..
Also I really wish Dockerhub gave you more stats/analytics. It really means nothing in the end but I'm curious. They don't even tell you the number beyond 10k, it just says 10k+ downloads.
Something like this would show up in perimeter network/firewall logs correct?
But if someone was mirroring traffic to the same cloud provider you deploy in, it would be less obvious to find out _which_ set of cloud IPs aren't actually your own.
> That's why you grab their dockerfile and build it yourself.
Then you still didn't audit anything. What you need to do is inspect the docker file, follow everything it pulls in and audit that, finally audit the script itself that the whole container gets built for in the first place. Whereas when you just download the script and run that directly, you only need to do the last step.
Yeah, people don't seem to actually care. The Bitnami images were quite popular, but looking inside it they all just pull random tarballs from their server, and nothing seemed to indicate where those things came from.
All of that is the same as a shell script, yes. A dockerfile is essentially just a glorified shell script installing dependencies, which you'd otherwise just be doing yourself.
You can use quotas to mitigate that risk, and monitoring to discover it. You'd be monitoring CPU usage anyway, whether or not you build your own images or write your own Dockerfiles.
A script running in a container is mostly isolated from the host by default, so it can't just upload whatever SSH keys / Bitcoin wallets / other stuff you have lying around or add some payload on your ~/.bashrc unless you explicit share those files with the container.
This is true, but we are talking about running this script on some codebase (or whatever you want to "git undo"). I mean "I don't trust this script, but let's run it on our source code" sounds a bit weird.
I agree, in this case it's hard to defend against a rogue script or container image, as you need to give it read-write access to your source code, so it could add a malicious payload to your source code or install a Git hook to break out of the container into your host or get some malicious source code onto your company's Git server.
There are measures that could defend against this (run all your development tools inside containers, and mandatory PRs with reviews) but they are probably beyond many/most developers are willing to do security-wise.
There are a lot of scenarios where I think security through isolation/containerization makes a lot of sense (e.g. for code analysis tools, end-user applications like video games, browsers, etc.) but not too much for this particular one.
I’d be quite surprised to see a company not using code reviews. Nowadays I work with a pretty large CI/CD pipeline, but even when we were a small company we enforced code reviews on all changes.
I’ve seen people be a lot looser with code execution though.
Run a diff after running the script and it should bring up anything funny. Hopefully people won't be just running it and automatically committing and pushing without inspecting the results, right?
It could easily upload your source code, add a git hook that will run (out of the container) next time you commit, create .env or similar files that are git-ignored but automatically run by common tools, etc.
Running anything without understanding what it does it is more dangerous than trying to understand it before running it.
I'm arguing for less complexity and easier auditing, instead of a series of complex layers that each add to a security story, but make the overall result much harder to audit.
To move directionally in the way you describe, you probably have to make the user experience of running scripts of any kind much weirder. macOS does this to some extent by prompting via GUI if something tries to access data directories on your system (though it confuses iTerm2 for "anything iTerm2 runs" and that sucks), but I think people would have a lot more problems with trying to do that in a server shell.
To that end, Linux namespacing is probably a better way to constrain the blast radius for most people. That's not to say it should be an either-or, but in the absence of a both-and because the userland is not set up for sufficient policing, I think Docker containers are a pretty clearly better solution.
The dive utility helps tremendously for exploring the filesystem contents of a container image. Combine that with the output of `docker inspect` to look at the metadata and you should be able to have a good understanding of what it will do when running as a container.
We do it everyday with Javascript in the browser, on, like, 10 orders of magnitude bigger frequency than we ever run Java Apples and Flash. The whole web commerce, banking, b2b, etc. depend on it. Imagine that, huh?
Is that enough snark?
Not to mention, if your problem is container breaking out, you have way way bigger problems that shell-script containers.
Also I can't imagine a real world scenario in which we can safely ignore what happens inside the container. Really reminds me of
Can't do that if all of the work is hidden in a Dockerfile's RUN statement. I commit shell scripts in shell script files, and the Dockerfile just runs that shell script. Then the shell script can be version controlled for purpose, static analyzed, and parsed in an IDE with a plugin supporting a shell script language server.
many times every day, to create a development enviromnent in CWD. My_dev_image is a debian-based image with common developer utilities (pip, npm, common packages installed). I don't feel comfortable installing random packages from the internet on my host machine, so I use docker for everything.
> Does anyone in practical invocation specify the volumes?
First: yes, I have run docker with -v recently.
> Or would they wrap it in yet another shell script that calls docker with a set of options, or a compose file, etc?
> This quickly turns into complexity stacked on complexity...
I agree that it can get out of hand, but a Dockerfile, a compose file, and whatever is going inside the container can be an entirely reasonable set of files to have so long as you stick with that and are reasonable about what goes in each. Where to put it differently, I think it's okay because they actually are separation of concerns.
Reading the Dockerfile should tell you what was done to create the image. If you have trust issues around the "base" images such as Debian or Fedora that is a different set of inquiries.
As for patching, you can tell your Dockerfile to always pull the latest versions of the items you are most concerned about. At that point rebuilding the container is as simple as deleting it with "docker container stop <id> && docker container rm <id>" and then run your docker-compose command again.
Does anyone read/diff the build commands every time they get a new `latest` docker image?
There would already be implicit trust in whatever the local OS's package manager laid down, and trying to add another set of hard to audit binaries on top is not really an improvement.
I can appreciate the work to shrink the image, but copying the various standardized CLI tools and related library files into the image versus installing them with APK can introduce _many_ compatibility challenges down the road as new base Alpine versions are released which can be difficult to detect if they don't immediately generate total build errors. Using static binary versions of the various CLI tools would be a better approach here, which inevitably means larger base binaries to begin with, again ballooning the docker image size... all for a minimal gain of 14MB overall is not worth it for a production build unless you're working in the most minimal of minimal embedded OS environments, which the inclusion of FZF -and- findutils would already seem to negate since there is so much duplication in functionality between the two tools already.
Overall this approach results in an image so fragile I would never use the resulting product in a high-priority production environment or even just my local dev environment as I want to code in it, not have to fix numerous compatibility issues in my tools all over 14MB of space.
> copying the various standardized CLI tools and related library files into the image versus installing them with APK can introduce _many_ compatibility challenges down the road as new base Alpine versions are released which can be difficult to detect if they don't immediately generate total build errors
I'm maybe missing some context here, so you are saying that the default location of these binaries can change (the one's that get copied directly)? Or is it about the shared libraries getting updated and the tools depending on these libraries will eventually break?
Given that you start out with a 31.4 MB image, I don't honestly think the introduced complexity in your build is worth the it. It's a good lesson, for people would doesn't know about build images and ships an entire build pipeline in their Docker image, for a bash script and a <50 MB image the complexity is a bit weird.
Can't necessarily speak for the author, but here's one thing that can happen:
If the underlying system has a newer version of git than the one freeze-dried into your container, repositories managed there by native-git might be in a new format which container-git can't handle. (There might be some new, spiffier way of handling packs, for instance, or they might have finally managed to upgrade the hash function.) And similar issues potentially arise for everything else you're packaging.
No, what I'm saying is you're blanket copying fully different versions of common library files into operating system lib folders as shown above, possibly breaking OS lib symlinks and/or wholly overwriting OS lib files themselves in the process for _current_ versions used in Alpine OS if they exist now or in the future, potentially destroying OS lib dependencies, and also overwriting the ones possibly included in the future by Alpine OS itself to get your statically copied versions of the various CLI tools your shell script needs to work. The same goes for copying bash, tr, git, and other binaries to OS bin folders. No No NO!
That is _insanely_ shortsighted. There's a safe way to do that and then there is the way you did it. If you want to learn to do it right and are deadset against static binary versions of those tools for the sake of file size, look at how Exodus does it so that they don't destroy OS bin folders and library dependency files in the process of making a binary able to be moved from one OS to another.
This is why I'm saying your resulting docker image is incredibly fragile and something I would never depend on long-term as it's almost guaranteed to crash and burn as Alpine OS upgrades OS bins and lib dependency files in the future. That it works now in this version is an aberration at best and in reality, there probably are things that are broken in Alpine OS that you aren't even aware of because you may not be using the functionality you broke yet.
OS package managers handle dependencies for a reason.
Relax. While I wouldn't recommend OPs approach either. But you're not particularly right either.
Exodus clearly states:
> Exodus is a tool that makes it easy to successfully relocate Linux ELF binaries from one system to another... Server-oriented distributions tend to have more limited and outdated packages than desktop distributions, so it's fairly common that one might have a piece of software installed on their laptop that they can't easily install on a remote machine.
Exodus is specifically designed for moving between different systems.
He is largely moving from the same base image. In the article base layer is `alpine:3.18` and the target image is `alpine:3.18` and in the latter part of the article `scratch` (less to zero conflict surface). One would assume those two would be coupled.
There are other technical merits to not doing what he's doing but you haven't listed any and dismissed his work. I'd venture if you actually knew what you're talking about you'd have better things to add to this conversation than "OS package managers handle dependencies for a reason."
Perhaps next time give some feedback that would help the writer get closer to a well-working exodus like solution. It's hackernews, "dont roll your own" discouragement should be frowned upon.
For me, insane sh*t like this proves that those who do not learn from distribution and package management infrastructure engineering history are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
I understand that you might have some context about package managers that I am missing. Would genuinely like some resources about your comment or maybe a bit of explanation.
Hey there Bhupesh - apologies for the snark! I was just venting some of the frustration I feel every day with modern "devops" tooling ;)
I am in a bit of a rush right now (which is why I try my absolute best to keep procrastinating on HN at the the absolute minimum, I swear! ;)), but I will try to share some insight later (potentially as a comment on your blog).
At this point, why not just build statically linked binaries of those utils in the build stage and just copy them over? Or even better, have a static build of busybox with all of the non-dependencies disabled. Those filename bytes add up fast!
On unrelated note, --chmod parameter of the COPY instruction provides a way to avoid additional layers just to set the executable bits:
# instead of
COPY ugit .
RUN chmod +x ugit && mv ugit /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/bin/ugit /usr/bin/
# could just be this
COPY ugit --chmod=755 /usr/bin/
In all seriousness though, that Dockerfile is basically one big uglified red flag, please don't do this, people.
Dive is a great tool for debugging this. I like image reduction work just because it gives me a chance to play with Dive:
One easy low hanging fruit I see a LOT for ballooning image sizes is people including the kitchen sink SDK/CLI for their cloud provider (like AWS or GCP), when they really only need 1/100 of that. The full versions of both of these tools are several hundred mb each
dive is amazing. One thing I realized by using the tool is that chmoding a file from an earlier layer results in that file (in it's entirety) getting added to the current layer. E.g. the below Dockerfile creates an alpine image that is around double the size of the original alpine image:
FROM alpine
RUN chmod -R a+rwx bin dev home lib media mnt opt root run sbin srv tmp usr var
> In the Alpine ecosystem, it is generally not advised to pin minimum versions of packages.
I think it would be more accurate to say, in the Alpine ecosystem, it is generally not advised to pin versions of packages at all. Actually, this is not so much a recommendation as it is a statement of impossibility: You can't pin package versions (without your Docker builds starting to fail in a week or two), period. In other words: Don't use Alpine if you want reproducible (easily cacheable) Docker builds.
I had to learn this the hard way:
- There is no way to pin the apk package sources ("cache"), like you can on Debian ( and Ubuntu ( The package cache tarball that apk downloads will disappear from again in a few weeks.
- Even if you managed to pin the sources (e.g. by committing the tarball to git as opposed to pinning its URL), or if you decided to pin the package versions individually, package versions that are up-to-date today will likely disappear from in a few weeks.
- Many images that build upon Alpine (e.g. nginx) don't pin the base image's patch version, so you get another source of entropy in your builds from that alone.
Personally, I'm very excited about snapshot images like where all package versions and the package sources are pinned. All I, as the downstream consumer, will have to do in order to stay up-to-date (and patch upstream vulnerabilities) is bump the snapshot date string on a regular basis.
> I think it would be more accurate to say, in the Alpine ecosystem, it is generally not advised to pin versions of packages at all. Actually, this is not so much a recommendation as it is a statement of impossibility: You can't pin package versions (without your Docker builds starting to fail in a week or two), period. In other words: Don't use Alpine if you want reproducible (easily cacheable) Docker builds.
Agreed, should have been clear with my sentiment there. Thanks for stating this :)
> Personally, I'm very excited about snapshot images like where all package versions and the package sources are pinned. All I, as the downstream consumer, will have to do in order to stay up-to-date (and patch upstream vulnerabilities) is bump the snapshot date string on a regular basis.
This is really helpful, thanks for sharing. Looks like it will be a good change, fingers crossed.
Thanks for sharing this. I like what the author did, they pursued a goal and kept working at it, until they found a balancing point.
I think my experience in similar pursuits would have led me to stop very early on - 31.4 MB is already pretty good, to be fair. Looking at the amount of potential maintenance required in the future, for example if the original ugit tool starts to need more dependencies which then have to be wrangled and inspected, makes me think that the size I didn't reduce is worth the tradeoff. Since the dependencies can be managed with package managers, without having to think too much, and as the author says, Linux is pretty awesome about these things already.
True, 31.4 MB is definitely a stopping point. But my the nerd inside me kicked in and wanted to know what "exactly" is required to run ugit. It was a fun experience.
It always depends on your use case but yeah, in the world of docker images, 30 MB often feels like nothing, because gigabyte plus sizes are not at all out of the norm. To some extent it’s a design flaw of the way images and layers work but also the tool doesn’t seem to discourage the ballooning either
I love reducing Docker images to their smallest forms. It's great for security (minimizes the bill of materials and makes it easier to update at-risk libraries and such), makes developers really think about what their application absolutely needs to do what it needs to do (again, great for security), and greatly improves startup performance (because they are smaller).
We can definitely go smaller than 20MB and six layers.
Remember, every layer needs to be pulled individually and Docker will only pull a handful of layers at a time. Having everything in a single layer takes advantage of TCP scaling windows to receive the file as quickly as the pipe can send it (and you can receive it) and requires only one TCP session handshakes instead of _n_ of them. This is important when working within low-bandwidth or flappy networks.
That said, in a real-world scenario where I care about readability and maintainability, I'd either write this in Go with gzip-tar compression in the middle (single statically-compiled binaries for the win!) or I'd just use Busybox (~5MB base image) and copy what's missing into it since that base image ships with libc.
Hey this looks interesting, will try it out. Thanks for writing it!
> That said, in a real-world scenario where I care about readability and maintainability, I'd either write this in Go with gzip-tar compression in the middle (single statically-compiled binaries for the win!) or I'd just use Busybox (~5MB base image) and copy what's missing into it since that base image ships with libc.
Agreed, rewriting was not the option (as mentioned in the beginning). Moreover, It would have taken longer to build a nice TUI interface then it took to dockerize it.
How would I use this? Say I just made a bad commit in my terminal. How would I run this container to fix it? The container doesn't have my working directory does it? Or is that the idea, to mount a volume with the working for or something?
In that case, maybe it could be helpful, but to make it convenient, don't I need a script that stays in my main system and invokes the docker run command for me?
So if you do that and just give me a one liner install command to copy paste then I guess this actually makes sense. A small docker container could eliminate a lot of potential gotchas with trying to install dependencies in arbitrary environments.
Except it's a bash script. I guess it would make more sense to get rid of the dependency on fzf or something nonstandard. Then they can just install your bash script.
For cases where you have more dependencies that really can't be eliminated then this would make more sense to me.
Why does it need fzf? Is it intended to run the container interactively?
> How would I use this? Say I just made a bad commit in my terminal. How would I run this container to fix it? The container doesn't have my working directory does it? Or is that the idea, to mount a volume with the working for or something?
> So if you do that and just give me a one liner install command to copy paste then I guess this actually makes sense. A small docker container could eliminate a lot of potential gotchas with trying to install dependencies in arbitrary environments.
Yes, that was also an internal motivation behind doing this.
> Why does it need fzf? Is it intended to run the container interactively?
Hey fzf is required by ugit (the script) itself. I didnt want to rely on cli arguments to give ability to users undo command per a matching git command. Adding a fuzzy search utility makes it easier for people to search what they can undo about "git tag" for example.
They aren't asking for sponsorship on the tool they created. They expressed that they do not have interest in investing even more work to rewrite it in Rust, Go, or what have you; unless someone paid them to do it. And I think that is completely fair!
If someone has no inherent interest in doing something, is not othewise obligated to do it, it is not done as a favor to friends or something, paying that person to do the job anyway is a very accepted practice in our society. Almost all of our employers pay us to do things we might otherwise not do.
There is nothing wrong with extracting as much value as possible from a small effort. It just seems highly unlikely anyone would sponsor it so the request seems somewhat ridiculous.
While I likely would not have made the same tradeoffs, I do relate to the desire to get the image as small as reasonably possible and commend the efforts. Going to "FROM scratch" is likely going to get you one of the best results possible before you start patching the application and switching out components.
I find it mildly ironic, however, that bundling the dependencies of a shell script is - in some ways - the exact opposite of saving space, even if it is likely to make running your script more convenient.
Unfortunately, I don't have a great alternative to offer. The obvious approach is to either let the users handle dependencies (which you can also do with ugit) or write package definitions for every major distribution. And if I were the author, I wouldn't want to do that for a small side project either.
> Unfortunately, I don't have a great alternative to offer. The obvious approach is to either let the users handle dependencies (which you can also do with ugit) or write package definitions for every major distribution. And if I were the author, I wouldn't want to do that for a small side project either.
Well... There's nix. Complete packaging system, fully deterministic results, lots of features, huge number of existing packages to draw from, works on your choice of Linux distro as well as Darwin and WSL. All at the tiny cost of a little bit of your sanity and being its own very deep rabbit hole.
I do love Nix, and I think much more people should use it, but I don't really consider that a good alternative in the context of my original comment.
I'd argue writing a Nix derivation isn't that different from writing a package definition for any one Linux distribution. It solves the distribution problem for people who use that particular distribution/tool, not everyone. Now, Nix can be installed on any distribution, but if I was going for widespread adoption, I might point to Nix being a solution, but I probably wouldn't advertise it as the main one.
Whats wrong with make or dare I even suggest a package manager like conda? I get having a half dozen dependencies can be specified in tools like docker but its just another way to do the same old task thats been solved a dozen ways for decades. We are sharing a shell script here. Seems crazy to me to run an entire redundant file system to share a couple hundred line bash script. Plus now users need docker skills as well as command line skills to install and run this tooling. There are corners of the command line user/programmer world that have thankfully not been polluted by docker yet so its not nearly as widespread a tool as setting up environments for bash scripts using some older ways.
I think you're seeing this from the perspective of someone who runs a container for development and not someone who has to run a development container at hyperscale.
We can't pass around bash scripts anymore. Every system has to be fungible, reproducible en masse and as agnostic to the underlying technology its on as possible.
You aren’t writing machine code that can run on anything though, you have this docker dependency in order to run the container. Its just trading one dependency for another because docker is in style these days. I don’t think deploying bash scripts at scale was some insurmountable challenge before docker showed up.
We don't have a "docker dependency" - we run OCI containers. You're equating Docker which is a tooling eco system with containers.
Containers have been around for a LONG time, Solaris, jails, cgroups, etc are all built-in to the kernels we use today.
You don't need to use docker.
The idea is fungible services, whether it's literally just a container that starts with a go binary I can quickly scale 1000s of COMPLETELY independent processes and ORCHESTRATE THEM over thousands of clusters from one centralized system.
If I need to shift 1000s of that one go binary to US-WEST-1 because US-EAST-1 is down I can run automate it or run one command based on a kubernetes tag label and shift traffic.
These are just a few of the massive benefits we get with containers.
I can deploy an ENTIRE datacenter with a yaml file. My ENTIRE companies infrasture MTTR (mean time to recovery) from a total outage, starting from a github repo is less than 35 minutes and we're a billion dollar company and 80% of that time is starting load balancers and clusters. The only NOT agnostic hardware stuff in any of this are the load balancers and network related things as each provider has its own apis, IAM/Policies, etc that are completely unique between providers/datacenters. Nothing cares about what ram, distro, cpu or anything else is being used, we can deploy anywhere ARM or x86.
Without containers I would need a $150k F5 load balancer to distribute load between a ton of $30k dell poweredeges (and I'd need this x1000's).
I've been in Infrastructure for 15+ years at massive scale, webhosts, cdns, I do NOT want to go back to not using containers ever. None of my team writes any non container code or infra. The FIRST thing we do in every single repo is make a dockerfile and docker-compose.yml to easily work on things and every single server any company has in the last decade of my SRE career we've migrated to containers and never once regretted it.
I love going and making containers smaller and faster to build.
I don't know if it's useful for alpine, but adding a --mount=type=cache argument to the RUN command that `apk add`s might shave a few seconds off rebuilds. Probably not worth it, in your case, unless you're invalidating the cached layer often (adding or removing deps, intentionally building without layer caching to ensure you have the latest packages).
I didn't see it in the final tree listing, but I would expect the fzf.tar.gz to linger around after extraction as it was never removed. If that is so, should help squeeze a few more bytes out of the final image.
One more factor in this is that most developers already have the alpine:latest layer downloaded through some other image.
In the best case, that first layer will be reused. Meaning that creating a different base layer may actually increase the size in the end, even if the image in isolation may appear smaller!
> Yeah, I know, I know. REWRITE IT IN GO/RUST/MAGICLANG. The script is now more than 500+ lines of bash.
These screeds get more and more random.
The standard advice was always to just not let a program in Bash get beyond X lines. Then move to a real programming language. Like Python (est. 1991).
I've been writing containers for 10+ years and this last few years I've started using supervisord as pid 1 that manages multiple processes inside the container for various things that CAN'T function as disparate microservices in the event that one fails/updated/etc a lot more.
And man I love it. It's totally against the 12 microservice laws and shoudl NOT be done in most cases, but when it comes to troubleshooting- I can exec into a container anywhere restart services because supervisord sits there monitoring for the service (say mysql) to exit and will immediately restart it. And because supervisor is pid1 as long as that never dies your container doesn't die. You get the benefit of the containerization and servers without the pain of both, like having to re-image/snapshot a server once you've thoroughly broken it enough vs restarting a container. I can sit there for hours editing .conf files trying to get something to work without ever touching my dockerfile/scripts or restarting a container.
I don't have to make some changes, update the entrypoint/dockerfile, push build out, get new image, deploy image, exec in..
I can sit there and restart mysql, postgres, redis, zookeeper, as much as I want until I figure out what I need done in one go and then update my scripts/dockerfiles THEN prepare the actual production infra where it is split into microservices for reliability and scaling, etc.
I've written a ton of these for our QA teams so they can hop into one container and test/break/qa/upgrade/downgrade everything super quick. Doesn't give you FULL e2e but it's not we'd stop doing what tests we already do now.
I mention this because it was something I did once a long long time ago but completely forgot something that you could do until I recently went that route and it really does have some useful scenarios.
I'm also really tired of super tiny containers that are absolute nightmares to troubleshoot when you need to. I work on prod infra so I need to get something online immediately when a fire is happening and having to call debug containers or manually install packages to troubleshoot things is such a show stopper. I know they're "attack vectors" but I have a vetted list of aliases, bash profiles and troubleshooting tools like jq mtr etc that are installed in every non-scratch container. My containers are all standardized and have the exact same tools, logs, paths, etc. so that everyone hopping into one knows what they can do.
If you're migrating your architecture to ARM64 those containers spin up SO fast that the extra 150-200mb of packages to have a sane system to work on when you have a fire burning under you is worth it. For some scale the cross datacenter/cluster/region image replication would be problematic but you SHOULD have a container caching proxy in front of EVERY cluster anyway. Or at least at the datacenter/rack. It could be a container ON your clusters with it's storage volume a singular CEPH cluster, etc.
Does anyone here have experience using Nix to build minimal Docker images? How well does it work, and how does it compare to the author's approach of manually copying shared libraries into a scratch image?
It works quite well and you can get very minimal docker images using nix with very few tricks compared to this.
…with that, building those nix images on Mac is still a bit rough—there’s some official docs and work on getting a builder VM set-up, but it’s still a bit rough around the edges.
Or just write a clean specification and get a docker image close to optimal, and if it’s not, you can prove cryptographically if by some chance you beat the defaults:
Yes, you can use Nix to get extremely small Docker images. I have personally used it to that effect, but it's not a magic bullet. In this specific case, it gives pretty bad results even. I have written the simplest possible Nix derivation for ugit and the resulting Docker image is 158MB gzipped. I haven't explored fully why that is, but that's much worse than even the first effort from the OP.
Yes, the size of env closes to 2mb. I maybe wrong here, though. Seems something is wrong.
I wasn't able to dig deep enough on why that was the case, considering the "env" utility was coming from busybox which on copy averages close to 900Kb.
> The use of env is considered a good practice when writing shell scripts, used to tell the OS which shell interpreter to use to run the script
When using a shebang line, the reason for 'env' is actually something different.
You can just leave out 'env' and do a shebang with 'bash' directly like this:
#! /usr/bin/bash
But the problem with that is portability. On different systems, the correct path may be /bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash. Or more unusual places like /usr/local/bin/bash. On old Solaris systems that came with ksh, bash might be somewhere under /opt with all the other optional software.
But 'env' is at /usr/bin/env on most systems, and it will search $PATH to find bash for you, wherever it is.
If you're defining a Docker container, presumably you know exactly where bash is going to be, so you can just put that path on the shebang line.
TLDR: You don't have to have a shebang, but you can have a shebang at no cost because your shebang doesn't need an env.
With the shell script, you can literally read it in an editor to make sure it isn't doing anything that weird. A single pass through shellcheck would likely tell you if it's doing anything that is too weird/wrong in terms of structure.
Auditing a docker container is way more difficult/complex.
"Dockerize all the things", especially in cases when the prereqs aren't too weird, seems like it wastes space, and also is harder to maintain - if any of the included components has a security patch, it's rebuild the container time...