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I believe the author is missing out on one other feature of Sass: browser-prefix values are generated automatically, so no more (-webkit-, -ms-, etc.). This would make his Sass gradient code more succinct.

That's a feature of Compass, not Sass.


More accurately, SASS includes the ability to create functions to build out prefixes, and Compass includes default functions to do this.

Yeah, we do this with SASS without using compass.

I stand corrected. I think though that Compass is the most common way people do this.

No language hate - but are there similar projects that don't require a ruby installation?

I'm currently playing with a very, very small environment. I might want to check out a (powerful) css preprocessor project, but it feels wasteful to add a dependency on an otherwise unnecessary (for my work/projects) language. Alternatives? Suggestions?

And Stylus with Nib - I don't believe they do the lighten / darkening of colours however.

Actually, lightening and darkening are built-in functions in Stylus:


Stylus is amazing

You may find my Stylus plugin useful: http://boronine.com/colorspaces.js/

How do Stylus+Nib compare to Sass+Compass, in your opinion?

They are both awesome and compare quite well :D I think its mostly a question of the syntax you prefer (and possibly the way you'd like to manage the dependency, with ruby gems, npm, or manually).

IMHO Stylus is an overall win over SASS. The ability to write transparent mixins for my team (made by people not wanting to know how to implement `display:inline-block` on IE) is so great I can't be happier.

I've been able to completely replace SASS on Liferay [1] themes development and raised my team's productivity a lot.

[1]: http://www.liferay.com

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