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Show HN: Geo-Distributed KV Store for Metadata Management (datenlord.github.io)
17 points by SandmanDZ 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Community Meeting In order to provide a more comprehensive overview of Xline's progress and to promote the Xline community, we will be hosting an Xline community meeting on January 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM PST

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> Existing distributed KV stores mostly adopt the Raft consensus protocol, which takes two RTTs to complete a request.

Why 2? Isn’t a single AppendEntries request from the leader enough?

This sentence is explained on their homepage:

> it takes 2 RTTs to complete a consensus request from the view of a client. One RTT takes place between the client and the leader server, and the leader server takes another RTT to broadcast the message to the follower servers

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