Good math problems are hidden inside textbooks and online documents. To keep up with all the sources in the world is hard. For someone who just wants to continuously solve problems, finding and going through all the sources feels like a hassle. I wished for a website that could just dump all the math problems available in the world out there. And if I could filter the problems by topics, that would be beautiful.
teachyourselfmath is a side project that was born out of this need. At its core, it is a math PDF extraction engine. The engine has some machine learning going on behind the scenes to extract math problems in LaTeX from any image or document.
A little bit about me: I am Vivek, a software engineer based out of India with a diverse set of interests including math. This project is close to my heart for many different reasons and nothing would make me happier than finding people on the internet who would find this website to be useful.
I’d love to hear your feedback on this. Thanks!
Two suggestions that I don't think have been mentioned:
1. It might be nice to at least acknowledge the source of the problems PDF-wise, no doubt somebody put effort into developing then and the supplementary information (assuming the PDFs are open source) would be useful for learning
2. Supporting information for learning the context subject material around the problem would be good: this relates to other comments about curation. This doesn't feel like "teach yourself math" so much as "test your math", which is still really helpful, but if you don't know the material there's nowhere to turn too
Great foundation for an amazing platform, nice work!