Does anyone here feel like they took steps that ended up unexpectedly slowing their career/progress? If you could go back 10 years with the knowledge you have now, with the sole goal of having an idea that could be a successful startup, what would you do different?
I'm looking for things such as:
-College major
-Career field
-Bad life decisions
-General personal development (Not work/startup related, such as working out)
-Career development
Please feel free to add anything you think is fit, even if it isn't on that list
Don't underestimate the value of repetitive processes. Automating them out of your life can be counter-productive: People bake bread, for a zen experience, sometimes, even though they've done it the same way 1000 times before.
Forgive yourself. Don't carry burdens in the past. Sure, we can all remember mortifyingly stupid, bad moments, but dwelling on them is counter productive. Of course you need to learn from them and avoid them but stewing over it at night when you should be sleeping? not helpful.
Rewards are complicated. Sometimes, the doing of it is the reward (see baking above). Sometimes, the outcome is the reward. Sometimes, the outcome is the reaction from others. Sometimes, its renumeration, sometimes it's just recognition and sometimes, there is no reward but its the BATNA. Value all of them in some way.
That said, small kids learn beneficially from SOME reward structures because before you learn to be patient to a long term goal, the short term reward builds muscle and brain memory of the task. So rewarding kids for good behaviour is not actually totally counter productive. But, contrariwise, there cannot be only winners and teaching your kid to refuse to accept second place or last is .. not helpful. If you genuinely don't win, don't pretend you won.
Habits take time. 6 weeks isn't unusual.
Don't be a dick in meetings.
Don't be contrarian for amusement value. Devil's advocating has limits.
Be kind.