A lot of these cookies are used to prevent CSRF or tracking flow state (eg: redirect target for login) through SSO. I'm not sure about the behavior of the stripe one. Generally once you go to a login page I'm pretty sure you will log in :)
I really don't see how a duration of one year and Same-Site=Lax on the sentry-sc cookie passed legal review, but perhaps your legal team is comfortable with a more aggressive approach than I'm used to.
The duration is part of the functionality. In interpreting the e-Privacy directive a general principle is that durations should not be longer than required to implement the required functionality. If you read through https://ec.europa.eu/justice/article-29/documentation/opinio... you'll see lots of discussion of appropriate durations.
The opinion document as far as I'm aware has no legal force. That said, I'm sure durations can always be re-evaluated but the case of "i'm going to log in but then not" is a corner case that's not exactly top of mind. I think the bigger task here is to defer loading stripe until necessary.