You're right that fighting these cookies is not trivial and automation helps a lot. The remaining cookies are functional ones which are needed to use the sandbox for instance. That the changelog sets cookies is a known issue that will be resolved once the changelog is moved off launchnotes.
Poking around a bit more, visiting but performing no action sets first-party cookies __stripe_mid, __stripe_sid, session, and sentry-sc. If I don't log in, but then visit other pages on the site those cookies are still sent.
I don't see why it's necessary that that these cookies be set before I actually log into the page? Or, if it is necessary for a non-obvious reason, I don't see why they need to be sent when visiting other pages under instead of being scoped to /auth/login/ ?
A lot of these cookies are used to prevent CSRF or tracking flow state (eg: redirect target for login) through SSO. I'm not sure about the behavior of the stripe one. Generally once you go to a login page I'm pretty sure you will log in :)
I really don't see how a duration of one year and Same-Site=Lax on the sentry-sc cookie passed legal review, but perhaps your legal team is comfortable with a more aggressive approach than I'm used to.
The duration is part of the functionality. In interpreting the e-Privacy directive a general principle is that durations should not be longer than required to implement the required functionality. If you read through you'll see lots of discussion of appropriate durations.
The opinion document as far as I'm aware has no legal force. That said, I'm sure durations can always be re-evaluated but the case of "i'm going to log in but then not" is a corner case that's not exactly top of mind. I think the bigger task here is to defer loading stripe until necessary.
I think this is a grey area: I can't find any explicit official guidance on whether using cookies to detect bots fits within the e-Privacy exemptions. (I had thought it didn't but that's not worth much!)